My Books

DDBYD book

We are the sum total of the roads we have taken in this life to date. Some have been easy with no life-altering consequences…like which direction to go for the best pancake breakfast. Others, like who to marry, come with devastating outcomes if the decision-making is WRONG! Decisions. Life is fraught with them. Left, Right, North, South? What to do? Flip a coin? NO!

Instead, muster up the courage to face them head on. Determine the best course of action. Trust your inner spirit and move forward without fear. No matter what, there will be changes coming. Will you be ready? Discover within the truly charming pages, a fun, friendly interactive journal. As you fill your days with all manner of adventures, fill the pages with tantalizing details. Include keepsakes like pictures, pamphlets. Ticket stubs and treasures found along the way. Enjoy reliving the experiences as you return to leaf through the pages. Demonstrate what it’s like to live life to the fullest

Available Here on Amazon

The Boomerang Effect

Whatever goes out into the universe comes back…

There is always a lot of buzz about the Universal Law of Attraction and success in life. There are myriad approaches, some of which may seem a little strange, maybe even personally threatening.

  • Learn how to put yourself in position to benefit from the age old principles behind “The Secret”.
  • Learn the types of thoughts and actions that will make the Law of Attraction a reliable path for manifesting what you want.
  • Learn to built a shiny “happening” life from the inside out.

As most discover, nothing is ever as simple as it looks. Insiders have known for millennia that the “secret’ to producing desired results predictably is thinking and acting in a certain way. This is what allows some to “make things happen” while others dither and suffer.

Available Here on Amazon

For four years, Merri Macartney was a freelance columnist for Sun Media and currently she does the same for a local publication. Her humorous style has been likened to Erma Bombeck. 


Merri took the best of the columns from her Sun Media days and published her first book – Thoughts from the Tub – so called because that is her favorite thinking and writing spot. With pink lemonade in a wine glass! 🙂


More Thoughts from the Tub is in the making!

Titles of some columns written:

  • Change is NOT a Four Letter Word
  • The Perils of Spring Cleaning
  • Adventures in Garage “Saleing”
  • Father’s Day Becomes Father’s Week
  • A Sure Fire Cure for the Blues


Download one of Merri’s favorites….

Yuck! That’s Not Going in My Mouth!

Available Here on Amazon