02 Mar Should I? Shouldn’t I?
Do you ever feel that making decisions is like walking a tightrope? Do some of those decisions feel like you are out there without a net? What’s a person to do? It’s not like you can stay walking the line; you’ve got to take the plunge – not literally – at some point.
So how do you decide? By using all the tools you have in your toolbox. And if your toolbox is empty or nearly so, then start by getting your tools. Ones like these are a MUST:
- Everyone needs a mentor/coach. When it comes to making decisions, sometimes we just can’t step far enough away from the situation to see things clearly. Ever had someone point out something so obvious that you just had to smack your forehead as you say, “Duh”?
- Read. Read. Read. Mentors are everywhere and you can find them online, in your local library and bookstores. The secret of success isn’t really a secret as many people have written tell-all books. Find biographies of those who are doing or have done what you want to do.Ask someone to recommend some great reading for you. Ask me. I have a personal list of my favourites that you can have just for asking. I have read every book that is on my list. People refer books to me and they only go on the list once I agree it is worthy. Don’t waste time reading outdated or inferior books…at least not for business. Escaping with something totally mind-numbing is okay on occasion but not for building life skills.
- Most people have great inner intuition but fail to recognize it or tap into it. Why? Because they are so busy “doing” that they forget to take the time to stop and listen to that inner voice. The answers are quite often within us but we need to step out of the hub-bub of our daily lives in order to hear it. Mediation is one such practice that allows for that. Often just a simple walk surrounded by the quietness of nature does it. When was the last time you spent any time in quiet solitude? For most it has been a long time.
Often we tend to give ourselves too many things to change at one time. Like New Year’s Resolutions, and we know how those work or not… The above tips are but just 3. Enough to give you a start but not so much as to overwhelm you. Can you give maybe even just one a try next time you are faced with a pretty serious decision.
This might not get you off the tightrope but at least you’ll get a sense of a safety net being there to help support whatever you decide. And that’s what it is all about. Let’s get support from others to help us move forward.
Remember, if you want a reading list, just add a comment below and it’ll be on the wire right out to you.
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