04 Sep So Where Does All the Energy Go?
Energy is neither created nor destroyed. So says many a science teacher. That seems to be one of the few things I remember from my science classes. Although I truly liked school, science was not one of my interests. Still isn’t.
I have very little knowledge in that department and I certainly don’t have a green thumb, although truth be told I have been occasionally green with envy. And I did grow a stick for two years, but that’s a story for another time.
There were aspects of science that I just didn’t get. Like the opening statement. If energy is neither created nor destroyed, then where do things go when they disappear? Things like the fluff off dandelions, clouds, lightening and fat, which is none other than stored energy. And I guess it’s fat that’s got me the most puzzled after watching a recent show on Oprah.
I don’t usually watch much daytime TV, but I did catch this one episode of Oprah with Jennifer Hudson as the guest. She looked amazing and that was the point of her being interviewed. It was an amazing story of how Jennifer lost 80 pounds with the help of a particular diet management company who shall remain nameless but their initials are WW.
The story was extremely inspiring and not just about Jennifer but her entire family. Oprah showcased how the entire Hudson clan got on board to support Jennifer with her weight loss and in total the clan lost nearly 2000 pounds…that’s nearly a ton of fat! Can you picture that? Let me help you.
Picture 200 ten pound bags of potatoes or 400 five pound bags of flour or sugar. I wonder how many fit on a skid i the grocery store. Or picture 2000 pounds of butter. The ‘pile’ would be 4.5 feet long, 2 feet wide and nearly 4 feet high. Now that’s a lot of butter (fat). Now imagine it all just disappeared. Poof!
Back to my question; if energy is neither created nor destroyed, then where did all that fat go? I’m thinking that someone nearby, close to those people, has found it. Seriously! It never seems to fail that when I am struggling with maintaining and not increasing my weight, someone else is losing. And I’m finding it! How fair is that?
Can’t find the car keys I lost last summer, but I can sure find those 2-5 pounds my friends have lost!
Actually, it’s worse than that. I can honestly tell you I’ve lost 9 pounds these past few months. Yup! I’ve lost the same 3 pounds 3 times. How frustrating is that? But I read recently that my terminology is all wrong. I shouldn’t be using the word ‘lost’ as it tells my brain that I need to find it. What gets lost must be found. If that is true, why can’t I find my car keys?
The article said that I should be telling my mind that I am releasing those pounds back into the universe from whence they came. Just ‘let it go’ like I am giving permission for it to drift off into space or ride into the sunset or whatever it is that fat does when it poof…disappears.
Gives a whole new meaning to those beloved words about letting go. “If it comes back to you it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it never was.”
They, the gurus and experts and anyone else that has a voice loud enough to be heard, say that the mind is a powerful tools and our subconscious doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie. It will believe what you tell it so you tell it what you want it to believe and it’ll act accordingly.
For example, if you keep telling yourself you can’t do something, then your mind will believe it and make sure you can’t do whatever it is you said you couldn’t do.
Conversely you tell it you can do something, and your mind will believe you and endeavour to make it so. It will call upon all its resources to figure out a way to do what you have declared it can do.
Great science but for me, there’s a hitch. I tell my mind that I am a smaller size than I am. Then I go shopping. I can get a complete cardio workout just trying on clothes in the fitting room. So why doesn’t it work when I read ‘Fitting Room’ on the door? My subconscious mind is working it out. But it needs some help so I need to go shopping for some sneakers. At least I won’t need a fitting room.
The Smarty Pants Way: Get those sneakers on and begin. Let’s tell our subconscious minds that we are smaller and walk off that stored energy. Who knows where it’ll go. Look out everyone!
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