Inspirational Humorist

Merri Macartney is a comedienne, a storyteller, and your favorite teacher all rolled into one sassy, energizing package.

She puts the funny into personal and professional challenges and serves up real-life strategies that make audiences excited to implement and eager to return to your next event.

Choose  Merri and keep your audience on the edge of their seats!

Signature Keynote


Don’t Die Before You’re Dead


We are the sum total of the roads we have taken in this life to date. Some have been easy with no life-threatening consequences…like which direction to go for the best pancake breakfast. Others, like who to marry, come with devastating outcomes if the decision-making is WRONG!


Decisions. Life is fraught with them. Left, Right, North, South? What to do? Flip a coin? NO! Instead, muster up the courage to face them head on. Determine the best course of action. Trust your inner spirit and move forward without fear. No matter what, there will be changes coming. Will you ready?


Merri shares some unique strategies that she has used to navigate her cross Canada tour as a senior solo traveler in her customized van.


Available on:  Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio

Click here for episodes.

Other Presentation


Juggling Can be Hazardous to Your Health


This interactive keynote will challenge audiences to think and regroup their daily routines, so they can take back control, set priorities, and safeguard relationships. They will come away with specific steps to get moving in the right direction with a renewed commitment to themselves.


Comfort Zone: Paradise or Prison


This provocative and humorous keynote offers a twist on an age old perspective and dares to ask the question. From what is your comfort zone keeping you? Audiences are challenged to look at their comfort zone through a new lens, and by interacting with one another, learn that their notion of playing it safe may be keeping them from achieving a higher level of success.


Escape the Dreamsuckers


Have you ever had people in your life not be supportive of the dreams to wish to pursue? It can be frustrating and soul sucking, but there are many choices. Some succumb to the voices of the naysayers and are forever regretful. Others fight through until they escape – and you can too!

In this interactive keynote, discover 5 strategies that can set you free to live the life you choose, not the one chosen for you.


For more info on the above presentations and accompanying breakouts, click here.

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