09 Feb There’s a Lot to Like About February
It seems that most people have a favorite month or two. Usually their choice is dependent upon birthdays, anniversaries or some other special event. And I suppose February is no exception; especially with Valentine’s Day dab smack in the middle of it.
For me, there really is no other month which I await with such anticipation. Yes, I must say there are some things I really like about February. Anyone who knows me knows that a lot of that liking is tied up with Groundhog Day. Not that I am a huge fan of that furry little critter, but I am a huge fan of seeing winter on its way out.
It isn’t my custom to seek out Wiarton Willie (here in Ontario Canada where I am from) in order to see first hand what is current prognostications are. Nor do I tune in to watch Punxsutawney Phil. But I have been known to wrap myself in fur-like garb, paint whiskers on my face and adorn my head with groundhog-like ears and hand out Happy Groundhog Day buttons to any and all who were downtown.
Everyone I met thought it was a hoot, except at one place of business with a couple of grumpy workers. Who knows; maybe they’d been away to the sunny south and had to come back to winter. Except for them, it was great. That might have become my custom but for the next two years, the roads were closed and nobody was downtown. so much for Bruce County winters!
I also like the fact that February is a short month and it has nothing to do with how far the budget has to stretch. and yes, three days less can make a difference. But it’s the 28 day cycle I like; it makes it really easy to figure out what day of the month any given number is on for March. For instance, Valentine’s Day, February 14th is on a Sunday this year. That means that March 14th is also on a Sunday. So what, you might ask. For some, that might not mean anything, but for me it’s the only time I can figure my schedule without checking the calendar.
My hubby likes February because of the Super Bowl. In fact, he hasn’t missed one and seeing how this year is its 50th year, he’s not about to miss this one either. This is the one day in the year that I do not make any plans with any body for any reason. It’s his day and he is in charge of the game plan. Go figure!
Many many years ago, there was a lot of talk about spousal abuse preceding the time of the great football game. There were write-ups in the paper, stories on the radio and in-depth reports on TV. It was a difficult time for males. And my hubby was not different that year. In fact, I actually made it worse for him.
It was just before the big day, a month before our wedding when it happened. He drove me to deliver some papers to a business and during the drive the shoulder strap of my purse wrapped around the gear shift. I didn’t notice. When I attempted to step out of the car, the strap held fast and I lost my balance causing me to fall back against the car.
Man, oh man I can still feel it as I write this. The left outside corner of my eye hit the top ridge of the car just above the door. You know here the bone is right below the surface? That’s where. And the pain was beyond anything I’d experienced in delivering my four children.
Wasn’t long before I had the best shiner I’d ever seen. Hubby was afraid to be seen with me. He was also afraid not to be seen as I sported my darkened eye everywhere I went. As a supply teacher, it was quite the “classroom management” tool. As a bride-to-be, it brought many concerned looks from friends. As a single rough and tumble mother of four growing boys, it was something we could laugh about as now it was my “turn’.
So there is a lot to like about February: Groundhog Day, the Super Bowl and memories. Winter will soon be over. Already the days are longer and on some warmer days when the melt is in the air, spring can be smelled.
Only 28 days until the arrival of March and all its madness. I, for one, can’t wait even though I’ve been told not to be in too big a hurry to rush life along. One month a year isn’t so bad. Then in March, it’s shack-wacky time and that’s another story!
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