Most Prized Possessions

It is a societal norm for us to gather more and more possessions as we grow older. For some of us, we might have gained some things during our adolescence from the proceeds of our first jobs. One of my sons did that. He completely furnished his own room and had those things to take with him when he left home. My other sons left with just their personal effects.

That particular son became quite the traveler and ended up becoming a minimalist. He bought stuff and sold stuff when he moved on. What a world view he gained living in multiple countries until he married and had a daughter. Although they have settled, he has maintained his minimalist view and is not a collector of stuff. Even his daughter lets go of those toys she no longer plays with and enjoys donating them to others.

My son and I have often talked about what’s the most important collection of all. Memories are what we both agree are our most prized possessions. There is nothing he likes more than to share his life experiences as a traveler. Using internet videos he teaches his daughter that the world is so much bigger than just their inner circle.

As for me, I am blessed to savor amazing memories from the experiences and adventures that my husband Joe and I lived before he passed way too early. We didn’t have that many years together as we were both in our 40’s when we met and married. That didn’t stop us from seeking an active lifestyle even to the extent of buying a sailboat. This alarmed many of our friends as neither he nor I knew anything about sailing. But we learned.

Being both teachers, we were able to spend our summers on our boat exploring ports and anchorages.  Many times we either dropped our anchor to bob around or tied off to trees on shore where we could do some sight seeing. One such climb took us to the top of an escarpment where the vista was breathtaking. Our pictures have become my treasures.

But it isn’t the pictures that are my prized possessions. It is the memories that I can relive and relive any time I want. If we had chosen to listen to our friends and not take the risk to become sailors, I wouldn’t have those memories to keep me company now that Joe has done. If we had put things off until later, nothing would have happened because later didn’t come for Joe.

Go make memories. They are what will sustain you when you can no longer do what you love. Don’t take life for granted that it will be here when you’re ready as we have no guarantees. Live fully every single day.


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