Planned vs Spontaneous

Which are you?  Does it depend on the circumstances or do you have a definite pattern of behavior?

There are those who believe that being planned is the most important way to live life. From the time they get up to the time they go to bed, they are focused on crossing their tasks off the To-Do list. If something comes up suddenly, they are more inclined to say no because it would cause too much upset to rearrange a scheduled agenda.

Those who live spontaneously – “on the edge” so to speak – can’t imagine having things so tightly controlled. They are what they like to call free spirits. They want to be able to go for the gusto when it happens.

So which is better? Is one better than the other?  There are benefits to both but the key is to make sure there is a balance. People who plan things usually get more done than those who don’t. Those who are more spontaneous usually live with fewer regrets in their old age.

Perhaps a blend of both would be in order. Some things are better planned and then plan to leave some time for spontaneity. Be balanced.

Zig Ziglar says that you will either say, “I wish I had or I’m glad I did.”

Live life in such a way as to grow old without regrets. Wouldn’t this be an amazing goal?


Coypright 2019 Merri Macartney. Merri works with organizations that want to merge laughter and learning to boost morale, reduce stress and enhance the wellbeing of their staff.

Twitter: @Speaker_Merri
Phone: 519-881-6339
For more information on Merri’s business check out



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