Words Don’t Always Mean The Same Thing

Have you ever considered how people interpret what you say based on the words that you choose? Is it possible that some words have more meaning due to some personal experience they’ve had with the word?

Then why do we need a dictionary you might ask. Isn’t that so we all have the same meaning in order for us to communicate – to exchange our thoughts and ideas from one to another.

That is the ideal however some have had some experiences which change how they receive the words. It’s not just a matter of having different meanings but of having different experiences. Take the word should for instance. This word is often used to advise someone of how they “should” or “should not” be doing something. If used repeatedly, an aversion to its use might be made. It can be seen as a judgement as if what they had done wasn’t good enough.

If we listen carefully, we will hear this word used often in conversations. Many times the speaker of the word might just be suggesting that there is more than one way to do something. If this lands on the person mentioned above who has been told many times how they should have acted, then it might cause some unintentional ruffling of feathers.

The word but can often have the same kind of uncomfortable effects. In most cases, but is used as a way of suggesting that the aforementioned part of the statement isn’t exactly true. For instance, if the statement is something like, “You did a really great job, but it would have been better if you’d added more detail.” Then the question calling out is whether or not the job was good after all.  Once more judgement rears its ugly head causing an already sensitive listener to feel that they have not done well at all.

It is said that the word but negates all that has been said previously. Pay careful attention to how you use this word and watch to see the reaction of others when you do.  They might be telling you that they get the real meaning of what your statement says.  Is it what you really mean?

After all, we use words to communicate what we think and feel to others. Is yours doing what you intend?




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